Like a virgin

Om någon har missat det så firas alltså jul till minne av Jesu födelse. Enligt Bibeln föddes Jesus av Maria som blivit gravid trots att hon aldrig haft samlag, en så kallad jungfrufödsel. Så här i juletider har BMJ passande nog publicerat en artikel om hur vanligt det idag är att gravida, amerikanska kvinnor uppger att de är oskulder trots att deras graviditet inte är ett resultat av IVF. Studien har passande nog titeln: ”Like a virgin (mother): analysis of data from a longitudinal, US population representative sample survey“.

Resultaten visade att 0,8 % av de gravida kvinnorna som deltog i studien hävdade att de var oskulder. Man fann även att sannolikheten att en kvinna hävdade jungfrugraviditet ökade om kvinnan hade avlagt ett kyskhetslöfte eller om kvinnas föräldrar i liten utsträckning pratat om sex och preventivmedel med henne.


Christmas is celebrated in commemoration of the birth of Jesus. According to the Bible, Jesus was born by Mary who was pregnant even though she never had sexual intercourse, a so called virgin birth. In the spirit of Christmas, BMJ has now published an article about how common it today is that pregnant American women say they are virgins although their pregnancy is not a result of IVF. The study was aptly titled: “Like a virgin (mother): analysis of data from a longitudinal, population-representative U.S. sample survey“.

The results showed that 0.8% of the pregnant women who participated in the study claimed that they were virgins. The study also found that a woman was more likely to claim virgin pregnancy if the woman had signed chastity pledges or if she had parents who indicated lower levels of communication with their children about sex and birth control.

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